Mike Tyson Mysteries was one of the most insane, nonsensical series Adult Swim had ever produced. And that's saying a lot for the programming block/network that gave fans Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Squidbillies, and The Eric Andre Show.
In the now canceled eponymous animated series, the former heavyweight champion of the world solved mysteries with his team. That included a ghost, a pigeon with the mind of a human, and his adopted Chinese daughter. Saying they solved mysteries really wasn't true. They mostly just made things worse. A lot worse. But at least they were funny while they did it!
10 The Team Found A Gnome Trapped In Car

The mysteries Mike Tyson and his team solved took a lot of forms. Sometimes, they were metaphysical. Other times, it was something banal like a ribbon-cutting ceremony gone awry. Then, they got a pigeon message from a soccer mom.
She was being driven insane by a shrill noise inside her vehicle. No one could figure out what it was so she contacted Mike Tyson. The team showed up, then Mike ripped the dash open to reveal the gnome trapped inside. Most mechanics don't test for that!
9 Mike Realized He's Killed Multiple Astronauts

By default, Mike Tyson was the only member of the team who drove. Yung Hee didn't appear to have her license, yet. Pigeon was literally a pigeon, and could not drive. Marquess was a ghost from the Victorian era and also likely did not have a license, mainly due to the fact he was dead.
In one episode, Mike killed Buzz Aldrin in a car accident. It came to light that he had killed multiple astronauts in multiple accidents. This led Mike to go to the Moon to investigate the issue further, where he accidentally ran over Richard Branson.
8 Yung Hee's Name Wasn't Yang

Calling Mike disconnected from reality would be the understatement of the year. He barely seemed to know where he was most of the time, let alone how to solve a mystery of any kind. How he ended up solving mysteries in the first place might be the biggest mystery of all.
In a throwaway gag from the first season, Mike called his adopted daughter Yang. Her response was subtle and perfect for the moment. It also kind of made fans wonder if Mike actually legally adopted her, or if he just kept her when he found the baby on his front porch.
7 Mike Couldn't Pronounce The Word "Chupacabra"

The pilot episode set the stage brilliantly for the absolute insanity and anarchy viewers were in for. The team was summoned to the ranch of author Cormac McCarthy to help him with a problem. As it turned out, there was an issue with a Chupacabra.
While there were a lot of funny moments in this specific episode, the best was Mike's constant mispronunciation of the word Chupacabra. Thing's were so bad that Pigeon actually pointed it out, not that Mike cared. The running gag got absurd in the best possible way really quickly.
6 Viennetta Joined The Team As An Intern

If there's one thing that the Mike Tyson Mystery team did not need, it was an intern. Yet, they ended up with one thanks to Mike's deadbeat manager Deezy. Another great running gag of the series was Deezy's absolute uselessness.
Deezy's niece Viennetta joined the team on a mission to help a wayward ribbon cutting at the opening of a mining museum. Part of the museum was an open mine shaft which Viennetta promptly fell into. The unexpected part was she survived and the internship helped her move on in her career.
5 Mike Tried To Roll The Credits Early

The mine episode also contained one of the best self-referential gags in the entire series. Moments after Viennetta fell in the open mine shaft, Deezy called Mike to find out how things were going. This flustered Mike, as it would anyone in that situation.
Mike immediately started singing the show's theme song, causing the closing credits to roll. Marquess asked what he was doing and Mike said he just wanted to end the episode. The rest of the team forced him to help Viennetta and the episode finished off properly.
4 The Team Finally Found Bobby Fisher

Again, mysteries came in all shapes and sizes for Mike Tyson and his team. In the second episode of the series, they received a rare and confusing message in binary. It drew them to a chess rematch between Gary Kasparov and the computer Deep Blue.
Naturally, Mike confused the chess Grand Master for a Grand Wizard of the KKK and punched him out. Yung Hee stepped in. Eventually, Pigeon tricked Mike into beating up the computer. Chess prodigy Bobby Fisher's brain was found inside, falling to the ground with a wet thud.
3 Mike Tyson Straight Up Killed God

Mike Tyson Mysteries came to an extremely unfortunate end with Season 4. It's too bad as there were more mysteries that needed Mike's attention. Well, "needed" might be a strong word but the insanity was truly just beginning.
Going out with a bang, the final episode featured Marquess ascending to the role of a full angel after being a ghost for many years. That didn't come to pass as Mike accidentally killed God before the process could be completed. It was a shocking and hilarious ending to an absurd series.
2 Pigeon Sold Deezy's Soul

When Deezy arranged for the gang to go on a podcast, they discovered that there was a Satanic message hidden in a recording. This led the team to encounter a demon named Lucifuge who made deals with people on behalf of the Devil.
While Lucifuge looked like an evil, anthropomorphic goat, he had a strong used car salesman vibe to him. The team needed to make a deal to bring Mike back to life. Pigeon sacrificed his soul to complete that deal, though it turned out that he secretly sacrificed Deezy's soul.
1 The Fight Or Flight Reaction

Episode 4 of Season 1 was wall to wall brilliance. Mike and the crew went on a mission to find out if magic was real or not on behalf of an Old Wizard who was actually a brilliant gambler. The team went to Las Vegas to help him, which resulted in Mike punching Criss Angel out during a performance.
When Mike realized Yung Hee was alone with Robert Redford, he went on a tear through the hotel, yelling "fight or flight" the entire time. He punched out everyone in his path. Mike seemed to give a slow-moving old lady pass by sneaking by her, then ran back to punch her in the face for no reason.
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