Soul is, in several ways, very much like the rest of Pixar's animated slate, but that's by no means a detriment. The film has breathtaking animation, characters you can root for, and it's fun for kids, while also offering some thoughtful expressions about life to the adults in the audience.
The characters express these sentiments in a way that's accessible for the younger crowd (it is Pixar, after all), but unlike most other mainstream entertainment targeted at kids, there's actually a message and point behind every word of dialogue. No wall of text could illustrate that better than these 10 quotes from the movie.
10 "I Was Born To Play."

One of Joe's first lines from when he's teaching band perfectly illustrates his motivation throughout the movie. Music is everything to him and he lives and breathes it. Once he lands in the Soul world, he believes music is his "spark" — hence him being literally born to play.
9 "Lord Knows We Need More Teachers In This World."

This line is spoken by Libba, Joe's caring but often overbearing mother, and while it might not have been what Joe wanted to hear, it is an essential truth.
We see throughout the movie how Joe's teaching impacts his students, particularly Curley, who went on to play with The Dorothea Williams Quartet, and Connie, who despite being young, seems to have a natural talent for music.
8 "Can't Crush A Soul Here. That's What Life On Earth Is For."

This witty line comes from 22 in The Great Before, after Joe witnesses a piece of the landscape fall on a group of souls who then scatter away, unharmed.
For someone who's never been on Earth, 22 sure knows a lot about it — but her knowledge actually gives her all the more reason to be skeptical.
7 "Is All This Living Really Worth Dying For?"

One of Soul's more poignant lines also comes from 22, who muses whether "living" is really worth dying for. She seems fine with her routine at the You Seminar, solving sudoku puzzles and getting to torment a new mentor once a week. However, once she spends some time in Joe's body, she realizes how beautiful and amazing life on Earth really is.
6 "I've Been Messing With This Team For Decades."

A more jokey line from the movie, also from 22, serves as a jab at the New York Knicks. While showing Joe around "the Zone," 22 hits a basketball player, who then proceeds to miss his dunk and lose the game for the Knicks.
22 then jokes "I've been messing with this team for decades." The line was actually put in by Soul co-writer Kemp Powers, a self-professed die-hard Knicks fan.
5 "I'm Just Afraid That If I Died Today My Life Would Have Amounted To Nothing."

Near the film's climax, Libba finds out that Joe's going to play for The Dorothea Williams Quartet, despite his insistence that he would accept the full-time teaching position.
This initially seems to disappoint her, but once Joe makes his impassioned plea (one that's all the more fitting considering he did die that day), she agrees to help him out.
4 "A Spark Isn't A Soul's Purpose."

Joe is initially trying to find the thing 22 is destined to do in life, believing that to be her "spark," but he eventually learns through his encounters with Dez and Jerry that a "spark" isn't a soul's purpose, rather, it's just a sign that they're ready to live life on Earth.
This revelation enables him to give 22's Earth Pass back, telling her that he had his chance at life, and now it's her turn.
3 "You're Really Good At Jazzing."

While 22 is in Joe's body, she begins to love all the different things life has to offer, from music to pizza to even just walking. She begins to refer to living in general as "jazzing".
By the end of the movie, when Joe has realized that 22 was ready to live life all along and just needed encouragement, he tells her she's "really good at jazzing."
2 "We’re In The Business Of Inspiration, Joe, But It’s Not Often We Find Ourselves Inspired."

The abstract counselors that inhabit the Great Before do their best to help every soul, but for thousands of years, they never found a way to show 22 the joys of life.
Joe, by giving her the chance to experience it for herself, has done what none of them could do. The Jerrys find this inspiring, and it's what encourages them to give Joe a second chance at life.
1 "I'm Going To Live Every Minute Of It."

Joe's motives finally come full circle by the end of the movie, with him realizing that the best part of living isn't chasing ambition or catching hold of a fleeting dream — it's just living. With his renewed sense of self and the second chance he received courtesy of the Jerrys, he's ready to truly live every minute.
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