
Star Wars: 10 What-If Fan Theories About Obi-Wan Kenobi

Whenever someone mentions Star Wars, chances are a few characters spring into everyone's minds. There's Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader of course, his son Luke Skywalker and, nowadays, probably individuals such as Rey and Kylo Ren. But one of the most popular characters in the franchise is Obi-Wan Kenobi, who made his first appearance way back in 1977's A New Hope. He was tragically killed off in that movie, but has since appeared in five other blockbusters, as well as TV shows The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels.

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Kenobi lived a straight and narrow life, but that could all have been so very different. Here are just a few popular what if fan theories involving Obi-Wan, and how things could have easily changed with a few different choices.

10 What If His Master Didn't Die?

It was back in 1999's The Phantom Menace that fans got their first glimpse of a young Kenobi. Played by a fresh-faced Ewan McGregor, he's an apprentice to controversial Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn during that blockbuster. The pair are a double act, nearly inseparable for most of the movie. And Jinn sadly perishes towards the end, being cut down by Sith Lord Darth Maul on the planet of Naboo.

This, of course, paves the way for Kenobi to train a child Anakin Skywalker. Everyone knows what happens next but, if Qui-Gon had survived, then everything could have headed in a different direction. Jinn may have been able to keep Anakin from turning to the dark side, therefore saving the Jedi from a horrible fate. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen and, on Kenobi's watch, Anakin transforms into a loyal asset for Emperor Palpatine - the baddest baddie in the whole galaxy.

9 What If He Took The Deathsticks?

Okay, this is a bit of a joke. There's no way Kenobi was going to accept death sticks when offered them by Elan Sleazebaggano. But, if he had, what would have happened?

Well, true devotees of Star Wars would know that death sticks are an illicit substance in the galaxy and dangerous to take. It's possible the Jedi Knight would have dropped dead there on the spot when they're suggested to him on the planet of Coruscant. Then again, given Kenobi's immense power and strength, it's possible they would have had no impact whatsoever.

8 What If He Didn't Discover The Clone Army?

In Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan spends a fair chunk of the movie attempting to locate Bounty Hunter Jango Fett. After being rudely put in his place by Jocasta Nu at the Jedi Temple, he then gets closer to his goal after a conversation with close friend Dex. Kenobi then travels to the planet of Kamino - but gets far more than he bargains for.

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Much to his surprise, he discovers that Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas had ordered the creation of a clone army - without clearance from the council. Local Kamino residents expect him to be thrilled at the news the army is finished, and Obi-Wan has to put on an Oscar-winning performance to convince them it's all part of the plan. Without the army, though, he would likely have died on Geonosis. And, had they remained a secret, Palpatine may not have used them to help wipe out his enemies in Order 66.

7 What If He Wasn't So Hard On Anakin?

It's established in Attack of the Clones that Anakin is far from satisfied with Kenobi's teaching methods. Even when he saves the day, he barely gets any thanks - instead being criticized for being too reckless and bold. Their rocky relationship makes Palpatine's goal of turning the Chosen One to the dark side even easier, with the Sith Lord using that to his advantage.

Had Kenobi been better with Anakin, though, it's possible the latter would have resisted Palpatine's advances. Instead, being constantly praised and defended by the villain swayed him away from the Jedi and towards the Sith instead. Kenobi should have just swallowed his own pride and handled things better.

6 What If He Didn't Take The General Grievous Assignment?

In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin hopes to be given the task of killing General Grievous, having saved Palpatine from Count Dooku (at least, that's what he thinks he did) during the early stages of the movie. Much to his dismay, however, it's instead Kenobi who is given the mission of wiping out the Separatist leader once and for all.

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Had Kenobi not gone, it's possible that Anakin would have done the deed and stayed on the straight and narrow. This, after all, is where Palpatine makes his move. Kenobi being out of the picture makes the villain's goal of swaying Anakin all the more easier.

5 What If He Fought The Emperor?

When Obi-Wan learns of Anakin's betrayal, he's left devastated. Especially when Master Yoda shows him hologram footage of his former apprentice cutting down younglings before kneeling before the newly-disfigured Palpatine, who has just survived an epic battle with Mace Windu. Obi-Wan asks Yoda if he can fight Palpatine instead of Anakin but that request is unfortunately dismissed.

Which is again, something worth thinking about. Palpatine would surely have been too strong, but there's still a chance Obi-Wan could have defeated the villain. He wouldn't have been flung around so easily and could certainly hold his own in lightsaber combat, as his duels with both Vader and Maul show. But if he'd died, then that would have been a major blow. Nobody else would have been able to keep watch over a young Luke Skywalker for many years on Tatooine.

4 What If He Died On Mustafar?

Out of all the lightsaber fights in Star Wars, Anakin and Kenobi's duel in Revenge of the Sith is potentially the most epic. It seems to last froever, the special effects are from another galaxy, and the acting of both McGregor and Hayden Christensen is superb. Unfortunately for Anakin it doesn't end well, with the fallen Jedi left to burn to death after having three limbs severed by his old master.

However, if Kenobi had been defeated instead, Anakin would have probably become the strongest Jedi in the galaxy. This actually happens in the Revenge of the Sith video game, with players able to let this fantasy play out in an alternative mission. Anakin doesn't just kill Kenobi, he then slaughters Palpatine - much to the Sith Lord's surprise.

3 What If He Didn't Learn To Become A Force Ghost?

It's at the end of the third movie that Kenobi takes his first steps into the immortal world. Master Yoda reveals that Qui-Gon has found a way to communicate from beyond the grave and, of course, this means he's become a force ghost. These were prominent in the original trilogy but not so much in the other films.

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Had Kenobi not learned that power, however, then Luke would have been one mentor down during the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. He would likely have never found a way to fully utilize his force powers and that would have made things far more straightforward for the villainous Empire and Darth Vader in particular. Kenobi also helped keep Skywalker on the right path despite being killed by Darth Vader in the fourth installment of the series.

2 What If He Didn't Kill Darth Maul?

In Star Wars: Rebels, Kenobi is finally successful at killing Darth Maul. He eliminates the Sith Lord during a brief battle on Tatooine after the dark side user started to uncover the Jedi’s reasoning for being on the planet. Unwilling to gamble with the safety of Luke Skywalker, Kenobi wipes out his enemy in a mere matter of seconds.

Had he died, however, it could have been game over for the Rebel Alliance. Luke would likely have perished at the hands of the Tusken Raiders in A New Hope and that would have subjected the galaxy to imperial rule for many years to come. It's good that, even after many years of lying low, he was still as sharp as ever.

1 What If He Killed Darth Vader In A New Hope?

The final what-if situation is again about A New Hope. What if, just if, Kenobi hadn’t died in the fight against Vader on the first Death Star?

There’s a chance the Rebels would have been able to secure victory even quicker but, then again, that might not have necessarily been the case. Emperor Palpatine still had many other people at his command and while Vader’s death would have been a blow, it probably wouldn't have been fatal.

NEXT: Star Wars: 10 Character Deaths That Fans Have A Problem With

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