
The 10 Funniest Characters On Modern Family | ScreenRant

Modern Family is a beloved sitcom that ended after 11 years of being on the air. The series followed the lives of an extended family, and each character had their own individual personality that contributed to the greatness of the show.

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Each character certainly provided a fair amount of laughs, although some characters were funnier than others based on their quirks alone. Even with the series over, the characters still keep audiences laughing. Here are the funniest Modern Family characters of them all.

10 Luke

Luke is not the brightest, but he's a lovable character nonetheless. He's oblivious to his surroundings, from running headfirst into a screen to thinking that because he's wearing noise-canceling headphones, no one can hear him, leading to some uproarious dialogue.

Luke doesn't always read a situation correctly, and his personality is similar to his dad's given his many quirks, adding to the show's overall hilarity.

9 Pam

Cam's sister is a force to be reckoned with. She's tough, she's direct, and even Cam fears her on some occasions. She's not afraid to roughhouse with her brother, and she later stays with Cam and Mitch while she's getting her life back together.

She's especially brutal to Mitchell, manipulating him and taking advantage of both his and Cam's hospitality. Still, her aggressive personality has resulted in some of the series' funniest scenes, especially when she's interacting with Mitch and Cam.

8 Dylan

Dylan appears throughout the series, and in each of his appearances, he leaves a memorable moment; especially with the song he that sung before Haley and her entire family that contained lyrics talking about the fact that he wanted to sleep with her.

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Dylan was unintentionally inappropriate and it took him a bit to get his life together. Though he did grow up, he never grew out of being a kid at heart, and that's what makes him so funny.

7 Manny

Manny just being himself is hilarious. He acts more like a grown-up than the adults on the show do, and he never hesitates to apply his wisdom where he can. Take for instance the time he had a serious talk with Claire about her marriage and children. Plus, Manny is naturally theatrical. He reacted a little too dramatically to being served scrambled eggs instead of soft-boiled, and when he was depressed he asked for black coffee like he feels "on the inside."

Manny is remembered by fans of the show as the weird kid with a taste for sophistication, and for wearing costumes that most people don't get, which is humorous all by itself.

6 Alex

Alex's humor is more subtle in nature. She has plenty of sarcastic and witty comments to dish out, especially when it comes to her siblings, and her parents.

Alex is especially brutal with her sister Haley, utilizing insults that Haley doesn't always understand. She even convinced Haley that she could recharge a battery by rubbing it on her head, which was pretty brutal. Alex's humor isn't always understood by her family, given she's usually condescending, but it makes her hilarious for the audience.

5 Jay

Jay's humor is not necessarily politically correct, but he makes it funny anyhow. He complains about modern technology and conveniences, he has a tendency to hack on his ex-wife, and he's definitely a doting dog dad to Stella, much to the family's annoyance–especially for Gloria.

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Jay makes fun of those around him, especially his son-in-law, Phil. Jay can be brutal, but his humor is undoubtedly one of the funniest aspects of Modern Family.

4 Gil

Phil and Gil's feud as rival real estate agents is always priceless. Phil is usually riled up by the aggressive Gil. The two exchange insults and are always competitive.

In a Season 9 episode, while Phil and Claire are rushing across a golf course to retrieve keys from Haley, Gil spots them and deliberately aims his golf balls for Phil, laughing hysterically the entire time. Modern Family just wouldn't be the same without Gil's hilarious presence as Phil's archenemy.

3 Gloria

Gloria is funny in several ways. She is not scared of death, even killing a rat and leaving out its head to scare off the other rats. While horrifying to her family, Gloria thinks nothing of it.

She also tricked Jay into slapping and yelling at a chicken to scare death away from the food when he teased her for her beliefs and heritage. Gloria isn't afraid to scare people or get back at them, and this often leads to Gloria's funniest moments on the show.

2 Phil

Phil's humor was slapstick and corny in nature. He definitely said some things without thinking them through first, making for plenty of awkward (yet hilarious) moments, especially for his wife, Claire.

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His love of magic and his goal to always be a cool dad no know bounds, and his obliviousness to certain situations are part of his comedic brilliance. Plus, he has his own book of Phil'sosophies, which is comedy gold.

1 Cam

Cam is without a doubt the funniest character Modern Family has to offer. His personality is larger than life with his love for the arts, his sensitivities, his reactions, and just who he is in general.

Fans definitely recall the memorable scene in which Cam panicked when Lily was accidentally locked in the car as a baby, his voice at a high pitch as he shouted as he raced towards the car with a garbage can intending to break a window. Cam is funny for a multitude of reasons, and each episode with him showcases a new reason why.

NEXT: The 10 Best Episodes Of Modern Family, According To IMDb 

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