
Friends: 5 Times We Wanted To Be Monica (& 5 We Wanted To Be Rachel)

The show Friends has many memorable characters, and moments, with it. There are times where audiences undoubtedly wish they could take the character's places and experience some of the things they did. Remember when Rachel was offered the opportunity to start a new life in Paris? Or when Monica proposed to Chandler? There are moments that are special to the show, but other moments are special to audiences because the characters are living similar dreams.

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Some moments were so real it was like audiences were there, especially in these unforgettable instances.

10 Monica: When She Dated Pete

Yes, Pete was a billionaire and he took Monica to Rome on their first date, but he was so much more than that given his kind and generous nature.

Monica wasn't even attracted to him at first, and unlike her friends, wasn't very interested in his money. They had a great relationship that was eventually overshadowed by Pete's desire to fight in the UFC, and Monica was unable to watch him get hurt. Still, her relationship with Pete was sweet and definitely filled with adventures.

9 Rachel: When She Got The Job At Bloomingdale's

Rachel had long had aspirations to join the fashion industry, but it's not until she quits Central Perk and takes the daring leap into her desired industry that her life begins to change.

Unfortunately, she finds out she still has to pour coffee at her first fashion job, but a fateful meeting with Mark, who works at Bloomingdale's, in the Moondance Diner significantly changes the trajectory of Rachel's career. She finally felt she was getting somewhere and got to do what she wanted to do with her life, and it turned out to be a stepping stone for greater things to come.

8 Monica: When She Got The Porsche

With their parents selling their childhood home, Ross and Monica go to look through old boxes and collect their childhood memories. Unfortunately, Monica's memories have been destroyed due to flooding, while Ross's have been perfectly preserved.

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She's understandably hurt and feeling guilty, but then her father gifts her his Porsche, instantly brightening Monica's day and making Ross jealous. It doesn't suck to have a Porsche to drive around New York City, though, of course, memories can't be bought!

7 Rachel: When She Went To The Soapie Awards

Rachel loves soap operas; of course, Joey was going to pick her to attend the Soapie awards ceremony. Rachel gets starstruck anytime she's around set or Joey's co-stars.

Going to an awards ceremony with a celebrity is a dream come true for several audience members, and Rachel got to live it in person. She was also there to support Joey but living out a dream was a bonus. Plus, she got to dress up for the occasion, and audiences know how much Rachel loves fashion.

6 Monica: When She Was With Richard

Regardless of their age difference, Richard and Monica were a beautiful and blissfully happy couple. They understood one another, genuinely wanted the best for each other, and rarely ever fought.

Their relationship really was an example of #relationshipgoals. Richard was undoubtedly one of the best relationships she ever had, and it was definitely among the more serious ones, apart from Chandler, of course. She and Richard would run into each other from time to time, and when Richard had the opportunity to steal her away from Chandler, he didn't. He really was a good guy.

5 Rachel: When She Stood Up For Herself

When Rachel makes an appearance at Barry and Mindy's wedding as the Maid of Honor, nothing goes right. She unintentionally gives everyone a look at her behind, she finds out about the embarrassing lie that everyone present believes regarding why she left Barry, and she's constantly teased.

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Still, she gathers up the courage to sing "Copacabana" in front of everyone, in her ridiculous pink dress, and prove them wrong by not leaving out of embarrassment. It took a lot of gumption, and Rachel must've felt pretty damn good to stand up to those around her.

4 Monica: When She And Chandler Got Their Babies

Monica has always wanted children. She's expressed that desire the most out of any of the other characters. That's why it was heartbreaking to learn that she and Chandler wouldn't be able to have any of their own.

However, thanks to adoption, Monica gets to have her dream of being a mother, and a surprise baby as well, as she didn't know they would be getting twins. With her suburban home, a husband she loves more than anything, and not one but two babies to love, Monica's dreams had all come true and is unquestionably a moment audiences love.

3 Rachel: When She Kissed Ross In Central Perk

It was just like the movies when Rachel and Ross shared their first kiss after a fight in Central Perk. It was romantic and magical, finally sealing the deal regarding their feelings for each other.

Their relationship wasn't quite cemented yet as they had obstacles to go through, but this kiss was not only a memorable moment in the show, and for Ross, but likely one of the best kisses of Rachel's life.

2 Monica: When She Proposed To Chandler

Monica's just about to give up on Chandler when his plan to surprise her with a proposal works a little too well. Thankfully, she finds out what he was really up to the entire time, and instead surprises him with a beautiful and heartfelt proposal.

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The moment between the future husband and wife was really one of the most romantic moments on the show, and showed just how much she and Chandler loved each other. Really, they got to propose to each other, and it couldn't have been more perfect.

1 Rachel: When She Got The Job In Paris

Rachel worked very hard to go from coffee house waitress to career woman in the fashion industry. Things look bleak for her when she's fired from Ralph Lauren and fails to get the job she was interviewing for.

However, at just the right time, her friend Mark appears and offers her a new one that will take her to Paris, the fashion capital of the world. Not only is it Rachel's dream but it also gives her the opportunity to embark on a fabulous adventure in a new country.

NEXT: Friends: 10 Hilarious Things Joey Said About Food 

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