
Marvel is Deciding Who Gets the Title of Spider-Man in One Epic Battle

Warning! Contains a preview for Amazing Spider-Man #93

A new preview has been released for the next issue of Marvel's Amazing Spider-Man, featuring its two Webslingers duking it out in the finale for the current "Beyond" era to determine who will take up the mantle of Spider-Man. While the original Spider-Man Peter Parker was in the hospital, his clone brother Ben Reilly took over the role while working for the Beyond Corporation as their corporate-backed superhero. However, Beyond turned out to be much more corrupt and sinister than Ben believed, and before he knew it his mind had been manipulated and broken. Desperate to restore his memories, this new preview sees Ben brutally taking on a recently healed Peter Parker in a battle that will seemingly decide who will be Spider-Man going forward.

In previous issues of Amazing Spider-Man, Ben Reilly's fragile clone mind was tampered with by the executives at Beyond, wanting to make him a more effective asset they could manipulate and control. However, they went too far and several of the new Spider-Man's foundational memories were erased, the ones copied from Peter Parker such as Uncle Ben's words about power and responsibility. As such, Ben is unable to be the best Spider-Man he can be, having become confused and violent in recent issues.

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While Ben and Peter had agreed to work together to take Beyond down now that the original Spider-Man was out of the hospital, Ben decided to leave Parker and take matters into his own hands. Now, the new preview for Amazing Spider-Man #93 from Zeb Wells and Patrick Gleason features a glimpse into the final chapter of the Beyond Saga. While Peter will eventually catch up to Ben, he may have no choice but to fight Reilly after the corrupted Spider-Man attacks him, desperate to restore his memories. Here are the preview pages and synopsis for the upcoming issue:

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #93- BEYOND, FINALETHE BIG FINALE OF “BEYOND”!!! SPIDER-MAN VS. SPIDER-MAN! You may surprise yourself with who you’re rooting for. Don’t miss the conclusion to one of the most surprising Spider-Stories of the past decade.

While Peter can't be blamed for expressing caution in the face of Beyond's memory device and his brother's instability, it's hard to not sympathize with Ben Reilly's anger and resentment. He's lived his whole life as a clone with memories that belong to someone else. While that's hard enough to live with, even those copied memories have been robbed from him by Beyond. As such, it's no wonder Ben wants to fight Peter in his current state, needing to restore and maintain the role he's built for himself despite Beyond's corruption. As the synopsis teases, it's hard to know who to root for.

Clearly, this final issue of the "Beyond" era is going to be a major conclusion fans won't want to miss. While it should be noted Ben Reilly's new identity after Spider-Man was spoiled thanks to a variant cover, the ride is still going to be quite the roller coaster all the same as the two Spider-Men battle it out for the title going forward. The full Amazing Spider-Man #93 will release on March 30th.

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