The people of Crockett Island in Midnight Mass are plagued by a number of different threats throughout the show. For one, many of the characters are haunted by their own demons, including Riley and Joe, who are both tormented by guilt.
Father Paul and "the Angel" are also strong threats to the inhabitants of the island. That being said, none of these dangers are quite as twisted or malevolent as Bev Keane, who uses her religious devotion in order to justify her own bigotry and deplorable actions.

Bev's villainy first becomes apparent when she poisons Joe's dog in one of the saddest moments in Midnight Mass. While the island does appear to have a problem with stray cats, Bev's killing of Joe's dog is senseless and twisted, no matter how much she tries to justify it to herself.
Later in the show, she uses the same rat poison to spike the communion wine and kill many of the islanders. Despite often being overlooked as the "town drunk," Joe immediately suspects Bev's involvement in his dog's death. She calmly dismisses his allegations, though, and callously watches on as Joe pleads for someone to help his beloved dog; killing a defenseless animal shows just despicable Bev really is.

While Bev presents herself as a just, honest, and trusted member of the community, she shows herself to be bigoted on several occasions. At one point, she insists every child in the school should be given a Bible and publicly dismisses other religions and faiths.
When Sheriff Hassan questions her behavior, Bev attempts to turn the other residents against him. She insults Hassan's beliefs on a number of occasions and insists that her faith is the only one that matters. Even at the climax of the series when Hassan realizes he and his son are about to die, Bev harshly insults his culture, showing her true colors.

Despite her religious beliefs, Bev does little to hide her judgmental opinions regarding anyone she believes is a sinner. Even before she kills Joe's dog, she looks down on him and coldly encourages the Scarborough family to hold a grudge against him. In fact, she actually revels in Joe's death and believes he is not worthy of resurrection.
Bev also appears highly confused and irritated when Riley is resurrected, believing that he is not worthy of a second chance or God's forgiveness. Throughout the show, there are several times when Bev cruelly passes judgement on the other inhabitants of Crockett when she herself is more guilty than most.

When Bev finds Father Paul covered in blood with Joe's body, her first reaction is not fear or disgust but instead how they will deal with the situation. She barely questions Father Paul and instead believes that Joe deserved to die.
In these violent and gruesome situations, Bev appears to be least affected and is the most capable of calmly dealing with the aftermath. Where Father Paul questions what he has done and is horrified by what he's been driven to, Bev reassures him that he has done nothing wrong and has saved Joe from a life of suffering. She clearly has no regard for the lives of those she sees as inferior and as Annie later suggests, she believes God loves her more than anyone else.

While Father Paul is clearly devoted to "the Angel" and is following its lead, it is actually Bev who encourages and defends his behavior. Father Paul probably would have come to his senses much sooner than he does if Bev didn't become the "devil on his shoulder."
After he kills Joe, Bev eases his guilt and makes him feel like they're doing the right thing when they kill the other townspeople. By the end of the show, Father Paul reunites with his lost love Mildred and realizes just how wrong he has been. While many fans believe Father Paul is Midnight Mass's real villain, Bev is often the one subtly pulling his strings.

Annie perfectly sums up Bev's character when she tells her she needs to know she's not a good person and God doesn't love her any more than anyone else. It is clear that Bev sees herself as better than others, not just in her judgement of people like Joe and Riley but also in the way she takes charge at the church.
Bev takes away the choice of the townspeople when she spikes the communion wine, knowing that they will be resurrected after. Whereas she has a choice in what she becomes, she takes this away from the others as she believes she knows best and is superior.

Clearly, Bev's desire to be resurrected is out of self preservation and a belief that God has chosen her. While most people succumb to bloodlust after their resurrection, the Flynns show that it is possible to avoid the temptation.
After her own resurrection, though, Bev makes no attempt to resist her urges and happily kills others and drinks their blood. She clearly lacks any sense of self awareness as she doesn't step back and realize that by killing she is actually betraying her own faith. Unlike the Flynns, Bev does not try to avoid temptation and instead creates chaos within Crockett.

Bev becomes so consumed by what she believes to be right that she even goes against Father Paul in the end. In one of the scariest moments in Midnight Mass, many of the townspeople are poisoned and then resurrected. During the resurrections, Father Paul tells her to keep the church doors closed in order to avoid chaos on the island, but she goes against him.
In the scenes which follow, Bev and the other survivors cause destruction. She demands that the newly resurrected set fire to the island after which she happily watches it burn, unaware that this will actually lead to her downfall.

When Hassan confronts her during the chaos, all of Bev's falsities fade away and she is no longer able to hide her inner monster. As well as insulting him, she shoots him and solidifies her own fate.
Hassan's son realizes who Bev really is in this moment and sets fire to the Church, which was meant to be a safe haven for the resurrected at sunrise. The resurrected now have nowhere to go and are left to die as the sun comes up. Any belief that Bev is a good person is destroyed when she results to violence and shoots the innocent Hassan.

After overseeing the destruction of Crockett, many of the townspeople accept their fates. In fact, in their final moments, Hassan and his son are shown praying, which shows just how much his faith meant to them. Interestingly though, Bev has a very different reaction upon realizing she is about to die.
Instead of turning to her faith for support and comfort in her final moments, Bev does all she can to try and escape, even attempting to dig a hole in the ground to take shelter from the rising sun. Her scrambling attempts at survival are fruitless and she dies with no dignity or remorse, which is a fitting ending for this Midnight Mass character. Bev's feeble attempts to escape suggest that she was never a true believer and has only used faith as an excuse to justify her own actions.
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