The fourth installment of the Jackass series of films now has an official title, Jackass Forever. The movie series will return with its latest hilarious update in October 2021. In 2000, Johnny Knoxville and his band of mischief-making friends pitched the idea of Jackass as a television series to MTV. The reality show was about a group of men who pranked unsuspecting strangers and put themselves into potentially dangerous situations. The show ran for three seasons before morphing into three successful films, including Jackass: The Movie, Jackass: Number Two, and Jackass 3D.
Jackass Forever will be the first Jackass film since 2010's Jackass 3D. The newest installment stars Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Dave England, Wee Man, Danger Ehren, and Preston Lacy. The film will introduce several new cast members, including Jasper, Rachel Wolfson, Sean “Poopies” McInerney, Zach Holmes, and Eric Manaka. Bam Margera will be missing from this installment after being fired from the production after breaking his sobriety. Ryan Dunn died in 2011 alongside a production assistant on Jackass 2, Zachary Hartwell, in a car crash at the age of 34.
The reveal of the Jackass Forever title and graphic were dropped via Paramount Studios on July 11. In the caption of the movie's official Instagram post, the group spoke of the differences between this film and the prior in the series. The trailer will make its debut on July 22, where fans will be able to better look at the shenanigans the group partakes in and the subsequent mayhem that will ensue as they get into an entirely new bunch of trouble.
"We’re back! Sure, a little bit older and a whole lot grayer, but definitely not the wiser. Catch the trailer debut online Tuesday, July 20, and we’ll see y’all in the theaters October 22. #JackassForever."
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Jackass Forever began production in March of 2020 but was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic. In February of this year, it was revealed Margera left the production in early 2021. The stunt star shared his anger at the situation in a series of since-deleted Instagram videos where he claimed he was hopeful the ideas he shared with production would not make it to the film. Margera stressed that he did not want to have to go to court with the film's director Jeff Tremaine, with whom he had a close relationship. Margera asked fans not to see Jackass Forever and said he would make his own film that would be better.
Although fans of the original crew will likely miss Margera, the main draw of Jackass Forever will continue to be the outrageous stunts and implausible situations the cast places itself in. The series and subsequent films reinvented the prank format with something daring and dramatic and combined these jaw-dropping moments with the friendship that ran through the cast members. Without the relationships between the film's key players, the Jackass films would be another prank show. The bond between its leads separated it from the pack and was a key element to its success.
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