Sometimes it’s hard to remember that the Hogwarts professors in Harry Potter were once students. Especially older teachers such as Dumbledore. It’s hard to ever imagine them as young, but they were all students once, and when they were, they were sorted into Hogwarts Houses just as everyone else in the books is.
Some are easy to guess because the house traits are so prominent, but there are some which are a little more difficult. But don't get too cocky; some are super surprising.
Updated January 20th, 2021 by Rhys McGinley: In the vast Wizarding World of Harry Potter, there are a plethora of characters from all walks of life spread across the various pieces of content that make up the Potter canon. That includes the Professors of Hogwarts, of which there have been many over the years. There are a good few whose backgrounds are limited and, as such, we do not know their Hogwarts Houses; however, there are still well over ten Professors whose house allegiance is very real, whether it be a shock that they were sorted there or if it was inevitable.

That makes sense. Some people show traits from multiple houses, and although Dumbledore is definitely one of those, his passion and courage make him a Gryffindor.
Despite being shown as a protagonist and a crucial character in the story, it would have been hard to argue with the books if they had later revealed he was actually a Slytherin.

Minerva McGonagall was a hatstall, according to the creator of the books. A hatstall means that she fits directly into two houses, and the Sorting Hat had to make a quick call, even though either would have been the right answer. She was a hatstall between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, which makes sense. She doesn’t suffer fools gladly and is extremely intelligent, with a dry wit to her sure to make people laugh.
Ultimately though, her fiery nature makes me think that Gryffindor was absolutely the right call for her. She’s also extremely passionate about the house, clearly delighted whenever they win a Quidditch game and devastated when they lose house points.

The Head of Ravenclaw is Filius Flitwick. We don’t see very much of him throughout the series; we only know that he teaches Charms and is head of Ravenclaw, so we can reasonably assume he’s very creative and intelligent since those are the prominent traits of that house.
He also seems willing to fight for what’s right. He enters the battle of Hogwarts more reluctantly than, say, McGonagall, but he does so happily, meaning that although he’s a Ravenclaw, that doesn’t mean he isn’t brave or loyal. It just means that his intelligence outshines everything else. It seems like a lot of these professors could convincingly be in a couple of the houses.

Professor Sprout teaches Herbology in the books and is head of Hufflepuff. Hufflepuffs are often misjudged when it comes to the series. Because their traits aren’t as fiery or obvious as some of the other houses, they’re dismissed as being the house people are sorted into just because they don’t fit elsewhere. This, however, just isn’t true.
Hufflepuffs are loyal and kind. They stayed to fight at the Battle of Hogwarts because they knew it was the right thing to do and took no convincing, even though bravery isn’t one of their listed traits. They’re not more intelligent than Ravenclaw or courageous than Gryffindor, but their traits are amazing in their own right.

Then there’s Snape, head of Slytherin. There tends to be an assumption that most of Slytherin House is evil, and for a while in the books, Snape did nothing to disprove this. The truth is that Slytherins aren’t inherently evil, though. They’re resourceful and ambitious, and the latter means that they sometimes come across as cutthroat.
So yes, the evil dark wizards do tend to come out of Slytherin because of these traits, but that doesn’t mean they’re all evil. As it turns out, Snape wasn’t — even if he was an unpleasant bully to be around. He, at least, was not anything like Voldemort.

Everyone's least favorite tea-drinking, pink-clad, Fudge-loving, just generally awful defense against the Dark Arts teacher Dolores Umbridge was introduced in The Order Of The Phoenix, starting work at Hogwarts on Ministry orders.
In her years as a student of Hogwarts, it is no surprise that she was sorted into Slytherin. While the vendetta against Slytherin and the stereotype that they are all evil is unfair, Umbridge does not help them. She is cruel, power-hungry, and unbelievably prejudice against many a group, going to Azkaban for her crimes against Muggle-borns.

Another villain of the trilogy who also happened to teach defense against the Dark Arts is Quirinus Quirrell, a professor at Hogwarts who just happened to house Lord Voldemort at the back of his head, with Voldemort sharing Quirrell's body to ensure success in procuring the philosopher's stone.
However, while this information may be enough to make people jump to the conclusion that Quirrell was a Slytherin, he was actually a Ravenclaw. Quirrell was always very timid and nervous but wanted to prove himself and was a gifted child, which kicked off his interest in the Dark Arts.

Amycus and Alecto Carrow were twins and a part of the famous pure-blooded Carrow family. For a solitary year between Dumbledore's death and the Battle of Hogwarts, they taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Amycus taught Dark Arts while Alecto taught Muggle Studies, while both served as Deputy Headmaster/Headmistress under Snape, putting them in charge of punishment across the school. It is no surprise the twins were sorted into Slytherin, keeping in line with their family and their nature as cruel purists.

Definitely not the first professor that comes into fan's minds, Silvanus Kettleburn is a character who gets a mention in The Prisoner Of Azkaban but did not get seen until the game Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery.
Kettleburn taught Care of Magical Creatures prior to Hagrid's appointment to the post, and his care and love of these animals, as well as his sense of duty towards them, point towards him being a good fit for Hufflepuff, where he was sorted during his Hogwarts years; despite his famous recklessness.

Sticking with Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, another professor in the game, which happens to be her only appearance, is the world-famous curse breaker Patricia Rakepick.
Her role in the game will not be spoiled here, but she certainly is daring, proud, and extremely confident, which makes her a perfect fit for Gryffindor, where she was sorted during her years at the school where she would later teach Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Remus Lupin was only a teacher at Hogwarts for one year, thanks to the curse on the Defence Against The Dark Arts position. However, as he was one of the best teachers that Hogwarts ever saw, he deserves a mention here.
Remus could also have been a convincing Ravenclaw but instead, he was put in Gryffindor with the rest of his Marauder friends. Remus fought in the war against Voldemort bravely while facing his own troubles every month; namely, the fact that he was a werewolf and had to undergo an excruciating transformation when the full moon was out.

Horace Slughorn is an example of a Slytherin a little different from Snape. He’s not so ambitious that he’s deeply unpleasant to others, he’s just dismissive of those he doesn’t find worthy of his time. When he appears in Half-Blood Prince, he’s very interested in Harry because of his fame, just as he was in Tom Riddle.
He’s by no means a bully, though, and as the books go on, he becomes willing to do the right thing. He even mentions a fondness for Harry’s mother, who was Muggle-born, proving that not all Slytherins are prejudiced against those they consider to be of lesser blood.

This one is hard to believe. Gilderoy Lockhart is pretty much an idiot. The only thing he seems to be good at is memory charms, erasing the memories of great witches and wizards, and taking credit for their achievements. He’s not creative enough to make up his own stories, nor is he witty enough to make anyone like him.
The only people who seem endeared by him at all are people with crushes on him because he’s good-looking; his personality leaves a lot to be desired. Alas, he was in Ravenclaw when he was in school, according to the franchise's creator.

Sybill Trelawney was also in Ravenclaw. This might seem surprising at first glance. She drinks too much, most of what she says isn’t at all correct, and she doesn’t seem to have her life together. Funny enough, Ravenclaws are associated with being practical and level-headed.
It is, however, a little more believable than Lockhart for the sheer reason that Trelawney’s claims about being a Seer weren’t actually false. She did make a couple of real prophecies, so it was not total rubbish that she believed herself to be able to see the future. But, even despite this and her eccentricity, she's is not a standout example of a typical Ravenclaw.

Hagrid was eventually given the Care of Magical Creatures professor job at Hogwarts, despite having been expelled from the school when he was a student. And boy, does he deserve to work there despite his expulsion.
Hagrid is a Gryffindor alumnus, and unlike a lot of the other professors, this seems to be the only house that would adequately fit him. He’s eagerly brave, willing to do what’s right, and seems to care deeply and passionately about people. Hagrid is one of the best people among the professors and although a little clumsy and tactless, is very well-meaning, and this is what makes him perfect for his house.
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