The next gun-toting gladiator to step up to competition within the world of Apex Legends is Fuse, an explosive offlander from a backwoods planet looking for glory. Respawn Entertainment has been working on its Titanfall-adjacent battle royale for close to two years now, expanding a small roster of heroes into a murderer's row of unique characters to choose from. They've also focused on building out the lore for the game's universe considerably with small story trailers and in-game events, making the futuristic combat come alive even if it all boils down to a massively multiplayer deathmatch at the end of the day.
The last major update to the game focused on launch day character Pathfinder and his origins. In-game the update included a town takeover event focused on one on one duels in a specific region of Horizon. Alas, the world of Apex Legends is moving forward at a rapid pace, so Fight Night is just about at its end and a new update is on the horizon, complete with a new hero. There also might be more to the update, as dataminers have found a reference to a team deathmatch mode and a bow and arrow weapon in the game's recently changed files.
Regardless of rumors, one thing that is definitely coming soon is the new character Fuse. In the latest Stories from the Outlands trailer, Fuse and an unnamed female accomplice are shown pulling heists and living on the fringes throughout their lives. The one thing that seemingly binds them is a golden grenade found in their early years, and they keep trading the trinket in a game of one-upmanship as the years go on. The entire story is accented with heavy metal guitars that seemingly fit right in with the new character's devil may care attitude.
There are no details as of yet as to how Fuse will play within Apex Legends, but it's likely a safe bet that grenades or some other form of explosives will be at the center of his kit. It's also likely that the golden grenade seen in the trailer may become important to his character, perhaps serving as a Heirloom item for the character somewhere down the line. Fuse's friend from the trailer may also pop up at some point in future updates, although not necessarily as a playable legend. There's plenty of room in Respawn's updates outside the game to finish off the story that started in this trailer.
The first month of 2021 is only halfway over and Apex Legends is already off to a strong start for the year. After a successful collection event with Fight Night, they've revealed an exciting new character that could bring something new to the battle royale's gameplay loop. In addition, the rumored but not yet official additions to the game are as exciting as anything in the game currently, expanding beyond battle royale and providing much-needed variety for veteran players. It will be interesting to see if the cadence of updates can continue throughout the year and what else Respawn has up its sleeves in 2021.
Apex Legends is available now on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PC.
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