Dexter brings with it a lot of memorable quotes and characters throughout its 8 season reign. With the impending revival of Dexter set to release in the fall of 2021, fans are not only rewatching the series but reminiscing about the characters and the details that made up the Dexter universe.
From ruthless serial killers to unspeakable crimes, Dexter and its characters had audiences hooked from season one. While Dexter and the other cast members have some memorable quotes, the first and last lines are a peek into just how much each character has grown throughout the series.
10 Dexter: First - "Tonight's the night." Last - "I have to protect them from me."

As Dexter is driving to pick up his first victim of the series, he is reasoning with himself about what he is and what he does. He only chooses people who he feels deserve to be murdered which is an excuse he uses throughout the show.
Dexter's actions come back to bite him and in his final line, he realizes just how much pain he is bringing to the people he loves. After he puts Deb to rest in the ocean, he maneuvers his boat into the path of a storm and fakes his own death as he believes this is the only way the people he loves have a fighting chance.
9 Deb: First - "Dexter are you there?" Last - "With all my heart."

Deb is introduced to fans through an answering machine while she is working as an undercover sex worker in an attempt to catch a serial killer on the loose. Deb and Dexter are extremely close and she greatly values his help and opinions which is reflected through her dialog throughout the series.
Deb's final line is seen through a flashback as she consoles Dexter about his concerns about becoming a father. Her love for Dexter is evident even in her dying days, making her death heartbreaking for both Dexter and fans alike.
8 Batista: First - "The body's in good shape." Last - "Dexter?"

Batista, a detective in the Miami Metro Homicide Division, has always taken a liking to Dexter and tends to take him under his wing. He truly believes Dexter has the same goal as him, which is to take down murders polluting the Miami area.
Batista's life in the series is molded around Dexter's character as they work very closely with each other and he has on several occasions looked the other way on Dexter's behalf. His final line is filled with pain, fear, and confusion as he learns that Dexter's boat was found in a wreck with no survivors.
7 Masuka: First - "I saw your sister. Damn, looking hot." Last - "Yeah Dex. She's gonna pull through."

Masuka is a notorious pervert in the series. Constantly ogling women and delivering some of the most cringy lines in the show, his introduction to fans is fitting with his character as he references Dexter's sister at a crime scene.
While most of his lines are misogynistic and downright creepy, his final quote offers some support to Dexter after Deb is shot in the stomach and fights for her life in the hospital. Fans do get to see some positive character development from Masuka which is refreshing.
6 LaGuerta: First - "I'd like your input, and we'll discuss your case after the meeting." Last - "Put him down."

Initially valuing Dexter's opinions and expertise, LaGuerta is on Dexter's side through most of the series. As the seasons continue and Dexter starts to slip up and become less careful with his crimes, LaGuerta begins to become suspicious of him. Eventually, she finds the proof she needs.
In her final episode, LaGuerta is cornered by Dexter and Deb and uses her final line to beg Deb to shoot Dexter after she discovers what he has done. It showed fans her character arc as well as Dexter's and Deb's.
5 Rita: First - "I'm running late, I'll just be a sec. I have to change." Last - "We love you. Bye."

Rita is still learning to trust others as a domestic abuse survivor and when she meets Dexter from Deb, they begin dating after the initial attraction to each other. Rita also notices and ignores a few signs of Dexter's indiscretions.
In her final scene, Rita's last line is delivered by a voicemail she left for Dexter when she was supposed to meet him for a vacation they were going on. Instead of getting out of town, she had to come back to the house. Her final quote is made even more heartbreaking by her death and the noticeable toll it takes on Dexter.
4 Doakes: First - "Where the hell you been? Last - "You are a creep motherf***er."

From season 1, Doakes is blatantly uncomfortable around Dexter. He's the only one that is able to see right through Dexter's facade. Doakes spends most of the series trying to get Dexter to trip up and find evidence that supports his suspicions.
Doakes' final line is seen through a flashback in season 7 after he is murdered by Lila in season 2. It is a fitting representation of the hate he feels for Dexter. Fans can also see just how close he was to catching Dexter and exposing him as a serial killer.
3 Hannah: First - "Can I help you?" Last - "Hey uh, how about we go get some ice cream, yeah?"

Hannah isn't introduced until season 7 and her first interaction with Dexter doesn't go well. She soon becomes an integral part of Dexter's life and his growth over the final two seasons. Hannah and Dexter had plans of leaving the country together and starting a new life away from the pain of Miami.
Her final line is delivered while sitting with his son and reading an article about Dexter's supposed death after his ship was found wrecked. Her pain is felt through the screen while a tear falls from her eyes.
2 Quinn: First - "Uh, all due respect Lieutenant, if Freebo did this, he's not in Miami. I mean, he's in the wind." Last - "I'm glad he's dead. Wish I could've done it myself."

During a meeting with the other officers, Quinn takes a liking to Deb and stands up for her when LaGuerta tells her to step up her game in the streets. Quinn's character revolves around Deb and plays a big role in her overall growth.
In his final episode, after Deb is shot by Oliver Saxton, he sees a tape of Dexter killing Saxton, and instead of reprimanding Dexter, he finds comfort in knowing Saxton is finally dead. This gives Deb the justice Quinn believes she deserves.
1 Harry: First - "You're different aren't you Dexter?" Last - "So, when you get to Argentina, what happens?"

Harry is only introduced to fans through flashbacks and hallucinations in Dexter's mind. Harry had always known that something was different about Dexter and his suspicions are quickly confirmed. Being in the police force himself, he was able to mold Dexter and helped him feed his addictions the "right" way.
Harry comes to Dexter as a voice of reason and protection. His final line is said to Dexter during a hallucination while Dexter is trying to run away from his murderous past with Hannah.
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