
The Office: 10 Things About Andy Bernard That Make No Sense

It would be impossible to talk about some of the greatest and funniest sitcoms around without mentioning the cultural phenomenon that is The Office. There was a time when the US remake of this British success was considered to be nothing more than a cheap knock-off whose days were numbered, but this perception changed from Season 2 onwards. It was clear that The Office was an absolute gem, and one need only look at its beloved and legendary characters to understand why this is the case.

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One such character who has faced a rather mixed reception by fans of The Office is none other than Andy Bernard. His introduction was very much welcome in the grand scheme of things since Andy has contributed to a ton of memorable moments in The Office. That being said, there are many things about the character that are absolutely nonsensical. Let's take a look at 10 such aspects of Andy Bernard that make zero sense.

10 For A Person Who Majored In Economics, His Sales Aptitude Is Quite Weak

Andy Bernard majored in Economics at Cornell University — something that he definitely won't fail to mention time and time again.

Keeping this in mind, it's certainly weird that Andy is the weakest performer in the Sales branch. He should be well aware of what makes a sale work, so for him to not be aware of this formula is certainly weird indeed.

9 It's Weird That He Was Chosen To Be The New Regional Manager

However, what's even weirder is the fact that Andy Bernard was chosen to replace Michael Scott as the Regional Manager, especially given the fact that he was performing horribly in Sales — something that has already been discussed before.

RELATED: The Office: 10 Obnoxious Andy Bernard Quotes Proving He's Worse Than Michael Scott

The fact that people like Dwight and Jim were left out in this decision was certainly quite weird, and one must wonder what motivated Robert California to make such a poor decision.

8 He Should've Realized That Leaving Erin Behind Was The Wrong Move

For the longest part, Andy's relationship with Erin was as smooth as could be. Both of them were definitely in love with each other, and they certainly had their moments, with Andy's romantic getaway to bring Erin back being a pretty major tipping point in the show.

However, this entire romance becomes absolutely worthless once Andy leaves for an impromptu getaway into the Caribbean... and doesn't take his girlfriend with him! How stupid is that?

7 His Relationship With Erin Was Ultimately Pointless

Andy's relationship with Erin pretty much goes for a toss after the man decides to abandon his girlfriend for an absolutely pointless trip, leading to a situation where Erin ends up developing feelings for Pete and Andy is pretty much shoved out of this dynamic.

Of course, this isn't the only useless relationship that Andy has been a part of...

6 His Relationship With Angela Was Also Ultimately Pointless

Andy's relationship with Angela was certainly funny to witness, but one can't deny that the entire dynamic felt ridiculously forced. It was clear that Angela wasn't interested in Andy at all... and yet, he still ended up proposing to her!

Angela pretty much ended up getting ostracized by Dwight and Andy after the entire facade was revealed, turning this into another failed love story in Andy's life.

5 His Fall From Grace Felt Completely Unnecessary

For the longest time, Andy Bernard was someone that viewers actually rooted for, and his relationship with Erin was also at an all-time high. However, all of this was conveniently swept under the rug when Andy went for a Caribbean cruise and came back after months.

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The fact that his character was instantly portrayed in a negative light — certainly not helped by his unnecessarily antagonistic behavior — turned him into a villain of sorts, which certainly wasn't required in the slightest.

4 His Character Swings Back-And-Forth For No Reason Whatsoever

The situation described above isn't the only time that Andy's character has switched at the drop of a hat. His introduction made him out to be a person with anger management issues who also sucked up to the boss, before becoming a rather likable dude post his therapy.

Of course, the Caribbean trip happened right after that, and Andy was again pushed back into a negative role. He did bounce back near the end of the last season... but it just had no impact due to how weird his character had been written throughout the show.

3 It's Weird That No One In The Office Ratted Him Out After His Absence

During the three months that Andy spent gallivanting around in the Caribbean, the Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch ended up recording the highest sales of the year and was generally quite efficient without his presence.

For them to let Andy off scot-free after lazing around, paying no heed to the workings of the office, and taking the credit for all their hard work is certainly quite odd, especially since some of these characters have sold the others out for far less at times.

2 Him Leaving His Job To Achieve Superstardom Was A Bone-Headed Move

It's something that was communicated to him time and time again, but it's truly confounding that Andy actually thought he could ride the coattails of the documentary's release and become famous in the process.

He certainly was talented to an extent... but surely there was no need for him to leave a well-paying job and take a huge gamble with his career, especially given the financial troubles his family was facing at the time?

1 His Overreactions To Jim's Pranks Are Certainly Quite Weird Indeed

During the early moments of The Office, Andy Bernard was quite a volatile character who would get incredibly angry at the drop of a hat. This could be seen especially after Jim's pranks when he would unnecessarily raise a massive hue-and-cry and disrupt proceedings in general.

The fact that he punched a wall was enough of an overreaction as is, and goes to show that maybe he's not the most perfect depiction of a person with anger issues.

NEXT: Ranked: All Seasons Of The Office

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