
Star Wars: The Fate of Darth Vader's Inquisitors Confirmed?

Darth Vader wasn't the Emperor's only enforcer; but what happened to his Inquisitors? This week's Star Wars #5 saw Luke Skywalker finally learn the truth about Order 66. He discovered what a survivor of Order 66 named Verla, who seems to have abandoned the light side of the Force given her aggressive use of the Mind Probe. But she also clued Luke in on something else he didn't know about; the Inquisitors.

These were a group of dark Force users formed by the Emperor to continue Order 66, hunting down potential Jedi across the galaxy. They became Darth Vader's sworn servants, and they've been featured in a wealth of different tie-in comics and even games. But Luke's lesson in Star Wars #5 raises an intriguing question; just what happened to the Inquisitors? Darth Vader spared no expense in his hunt for Luke Skywalker, so you'd expect him to have sent his Inquisitors on the hunt for him. For all that's the case, though, there's no evidence Luke ever crossed their path.

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There's a simple reason for this; Jedi hunters don't tend to live to enjoy their old age, not even in a time when Jedi are rare. And, because the Empire had wiped out most of the adult Force users, there were few potential recruits, meaning the Inquisitors soon wound up effectively extinct. Although there is evidence Darth Vader kidnapped children, potentially as future Inquisitors, these would take years to grow into adults. The Empire presumably fell before that happened. So here's everything you need to know about the Inquisitors - and the fate that befell each one.

Trilla Suduri was the Padawan of Jedi Master Cere Junda. She was captured by the Empire shortly after Order 66, and she was tortured and manipulated by the dark side until she surrendered to it. She became the Second Sister of the Inquisitorius, hunting Jedi relentlessly. Second Sister is the main villain in the fantastic Jedi: Fallen Order game, and she pursued the Jedi survivor Cal Kestis across the galaxy. Surprisingly, the pursuit of Cal led Second Sister to confront her old Jedi Master, and a redemption would have been possible if not for the personal intervention of Darth Vader. The Dark Lord of the Sith killed Second Sister for her failure and weakness.

Less is known about Fifth Brother's background, but he's appeared in a lot of different mediums - even including the Star Wars mobile game Force Arena. He was less skilled than most of his fellow Inquisitors, preferring to rely on brute strength, but this seems to have failed him when he went up against fully-trained Jedi. Fifth Brother became a more antagonist in Star Wars Rebels season 2, when he was assigned to hunt for Kanan and Ezra, and he proved just as dogged as Second Sister. Darth Vader ultimately assigned him to pursue Darth Maul instead, this particular mission proved fatal for Fifth Brother.

Bil Valen was originally one of the Jedi Order, but the Emperor successfully turned him to the dark side. Unfortunately Sixth Brother had the misfortune of training against Darth Vader in a sparring match, and the Dark Lord of the Sith cut off his lower left arm in order to teach him a lesson about loss. Vader's goal was to turn the Sixth Brother into a juggernaut, but sadly this meant he lacked any skill or finesse. Sixth Brother's fate is told in EK Johnston's novel Ahsoka, in which he investigated reports of a mysterious Force sensitive. This was actually Anakin Skywalker's old apprentice Ahsoka, and she was able to kill him with relative ease.

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Seventh Sister was a dangerous Miralan Inquisitor who played a major role in Star Wars Rebels season 2, when Darth Vader tasked her with hunting for Ahsoka Tano. She was smart and ambitious, dreaming of leading the Inquisitors and being second only to Darth Vader; had she been a little more powerful, and had Darth Vader himself been more ambitious, she would have made a good Apprentice. Like Fifth Brother, she too wound up on the wrong side of Darth Maul, who executed her brutally.

While the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister hunted down Ahsoka Tano, Eighth Brother was told to seek out Darth Maul. He seems to have been remarkable successful, forcing Darth Maul to hide on the ancient Sith world of Malachor; it was only when he had tracked Maul there that Eighth Brother called in reinforcements. They were ill-prepared for the intervention of Kanan Jarrus and Ezra, and Eighth Brother was outmatched.

Masana Tide was a powerful Force-user, gifted with the specific talent to empathetically connect to others and sense their emotions. This may well have made her particularly vulnerable to torture, and she soon fell to the dark side. Ninth Sister suffered under Darth Vader's harsh tutelage, losing an eye to the Dark Lord of the Sith because he sought to teach her too about loss. She proved loyal enough to accompany Darth Vader on a number of missions, as seen in a number of Star Wars tie-in comics. Unfortunately for Ninth Sister she was sent to investigate Cal Kestis, and she was killed by the former Jedi Padawan.

Tenth Brother is the last Inquisitor to have been given a name in any Star Wars medium - and he's the most prolific and intriguing. Prosset Dibs was an a Jedi Master in the Old Jedi Order, but he disagreed with the war and ultimately betrayed the Jedi, attempting to kill Mace Windu in a duel. A shackled Prosset Dibs was placed on trial before the Council, and he was consigned to serve in the Archives. It is surely no coincidence Dibs was spared the fate of all other Jedi in Order 66, with Palpatine turning him to the dark side. Tenth Brother proved a capable and skilled member of the Inquisitors, but he was gunned down when a Jedi performed a Mind Trick on Clone Troopers to turn them against him.


A number of other members of the Inquisitorius have been seen in the background, but gone unnamed. Two went rogue and attempted to kill Darth Vader, and were cut down with ease. Given the numbers, though, it's safe to assume there is at least one more member who hasn't been seen - and that they too were killed before Luke Skywalker emerged on the scene. Luke would never know how fortunate he was.

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