
Star Wars: Emperor Palpatine's 15 Best Quotes | ScreenRant

Whether you love him or you hate him, no one can argue the fact that Emperor Palpatine is back (both in the movies and in our lives) as the ultimate big baddie in the Star Wars universe. Some think that's lazy, some think that's awesome, but what you can't argue with is the man's villainous speech. If there was ever a man who liked to monologue, and mansplain, and give a good old-fashioned rundown of events to supposedly inept heroes, well, Palpatine (and the incredible Ian McDiarmid) has been doing it successfully since 1980.

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Palpatine has uttered more than his fair share of quotable one-liners over the years, and they span his early career as a Senator, right up to his self-installment as Emperor, and beyond.  We've added a few more onto our existing list to better flesh out Palpatine's penchant for over-dramatic Sith villainy!

Updated by Derek Draven, May 4, 2020: As mentioned in the updated intro, we've added 5 more entries into our list that showcase some of Palpatine's most wicked and diabolical quotes, for a total of 15. Each entry stands on its own as a testament to the sheer evil that made him who he was.

15 "Your faith in your friends is yours."

In The Return of the Jedi poor Luke spends a large portion of the film fighting both his inner demons and the constant blabber of the mad Emperor Palpatine. One of their most famous, and most successful bits of banter comes when Luke decides he's going to speak up for himself and show a little sass. Looking straight at the Emperor our cocky hero tells evil incarnate, "Your overconfidence is your weakness." Without missing a beat, Palpatine replies, "Your faith in your friends is yours." Both are correct, though neither of them know who will end up surviving the encounter just yet.

14 "Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the dark side."

Well, if you wanted to see the Emperor be overconfident, this was it. Using force lightning to push Luke to his limits, as dear old dad Darth Vader looks on, Emperor Palpatine mocks the young and seemingly defenseless young Jedi with the words, "Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the dark side."

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He could be right if it wasn't for the friends (and family) Luke has worked so hard to cultivate alongside his "feeble" force skills. Luke looks as if he's about to perish at the hands of the Emperor before Darth Vader steps in to save his son (and the day). Doesn't mean the Emperor was wrong about Luke's skills though.

13 "Everything that has transpired has done so according to my design."

This quote (again from Return of the Jedi) looks even more important in light of the recent release and the revelations of The Rise of Skywalker. The Emperor's plans obviously went far beyond the trap he set for the rebels on the forest moon of Endor. Obviously he planned, and shaped, and molded much of the life of the Skywalker/Solo family as a whole. These words, spoken to Luke, could very well have been repeated to Kylo Ren in the opening moments of the newest film. He may be overconfident, but Palpatine was more right than even he knew at the time.

12 "So be it... Jedi."

Has the word "Jedi" ever been spoken with so much disdain? Doubtful. As if calling Luke the most insulting name in the entire galaxy, Palpatine spits this insult before preparing to end the young hero's life on the Second Death Star. One wonders how long Palpatine has waited to spit the word at those around him. Consider how polite and cordial he had to be for so many years working in the Senate alongside the Jedi Council. It's as if he was rolling his eyes in his head every time he had to speak to Master Yoda or Master Windu, and all the malice has finally been allowed to come out.

11 "There is a great disturbance in the Force."

This is the earliest quote from the Emperor to make our list, having been spoken to Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back. For the first time, Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader get to discuss Luke Skywalker, the young rebel pilot who destroyed the Death Star.

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But even out of context, this quote resonates across the entire Skywalker saga. This is far from the first time that the family line has made a ripple in the greater powers across the galaxy. It might be the Emperor's line, but it could just as well be the Skywalker family motto.

10 "Young fool. Only now, at the end, do you understand."

Again, Palpatine really gets going when he's about to murder someone. A lot of his best lines come from the moment he is standing above Luke's battered body prepared to end the last Jedi's life. A lot of the excellence of these lines comes from Ian McDiarmid's Shakespearian delivery. Who can watch Luke writhe on the floor in agony and listen to the Emperor call him a fool without feeling their heart clench at the inevitability the resounds in the delivery of the sentiment? The Emperor's overconfidence is certainly clear, he does not sound worried at all, only as if he were remarking on the inevitable.

9 "Oh, no, my young Jedi. You will find that it is you who are mistaken, about a great many things."

So, Luke has just entered the throne room and his first words to the Emperor? "You are gravely mistaken," he says when the Emperor claims Luke will soon call him master. Well, we certainly respect Luke's fearlessness in this moment, but he just met the Emperor and does not yet understand that Palpatine always has an answer for any sass that comes his way. Luke doesn't know yet about the trap on Endor, or that the Rebel Fleet is also expected. But the Emperor knows, and he wants Luke (and the audience) to understand he still holds all the cards.

8 "Long have I waited, and now your coming together is your undoing."

While most of our favorite lines come from the original trilogy, and what we thought was the entire life of the Emperor, at least a few can be taken from his recent reappearance in our lives as the Big Bad in The Rise of Skywalker. "Long have I waited," is really the understatement of the century for Palpatine, but he always did see relationships as weaknesses in those around him. Here he understands the power of two, the dyad of Kylo and Rey, but only as a commodity he can take, he still misunderstands the relationship aspect and thus is once again unprepared to be defeated.

7 "I have died before."

Emperor Palpatine doesn't waste much time before appearing to viewers, and to Kylo Ren, at the beginning of The Rise of Skywalker. Ren's first reaction to the Emperor's appearance is to threaten Palpatine's life. "I have died before," the Emperor replies. And it's creepy and cryptic, and true. And it sets up a lot of questions and a lot of excitement in those first few moments of the film. It's a great line, whether or not viewers ever see the payoff before the film ends.

6 "This will be the final word in the story of Skywalker."

Villains are known for learning little over time and even less from their mistakes, this particular quote from Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker really sums up the old man's existence. He has struggled and schemed to control the Skywalker line since the beginning and, even as a senator, enjoyed a good monologue. Here it all comes together as he claims success in his plan and his life and as a person. But, as all villains fail to realize, he is the one who is sorely mistaken, though it is fun to watch his continued obliviousness even so many years later.

5 "Oh, I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive!"

The Rebel Alliance thought they could repeat the victory they scored against the first Death Star by destroying the second, but their captured intel was actually a ruse designed to lure them into a trap at Endor. When Luke was brought before Palpatine, he initially believed he had the upper hand.

Unfortunately, Palpatine revealed his master plan, much to Luke's horror. Palpatine was laying in wait for Solo and his strike team to assault the shield generator, only to be captured. For a moment, the attacking Rebel fleet was left without a fighting chance, before the tide turned.

4 "Wipe them out. All of them!"

Palpatine had only recently begun to unveil his presence as Darth Sidious at a time when the Jedi Order thought nothing more of the Sith, or the threat they once posed. A simple blockade of the planet Naboo would have long-lasting ramifications for the politics of the Republic Senate, allowing Palpatine to grasp a nomination for Supreme Chancellor, later winning after a no-confidence vote against his predecessor.

With his plans coming to fruition, Palpatine ordered his Trade Federation flunkies to launch an assault on Naboo's capital city of Theed, with no regard for the lives that would be lost. Such an attack would later give him justification for sparking the Clone Wars; a vehicle for the final act of his plan.

3 "Execute Order Sixty-Six!"

This quote will live in infamy as the single-most devastating blow the galaxy has ever faced. Having successfully weakened both the might of the Separatist army and the morality of the Republic Senate, Palpatine kicked the final phase of a decades-long plan into effect.

After his corrupted pupil Anakin Skywalker saved him from certain death at the hand of Mace Windu, Palpatine retaliated with Order 66, forcing his army of clones to turn on the Jedi and massacre them. The majority of the clones were not able to disobey the order due to an inhibitor chip placed in their brains, but a few such as Rex managed to overcome the conditioning and rebel.

2 "You, like your father, are now...mine!"

Palpatine knew how to corrupt the good and manage to turn them to evil. He did it once with Anakin, and he would later attempt the same with Luke Skywalker. As the battle between the Empire and the Rebellion waged both on land and in space, Luke was forced to endure the taunts of Palpatine, who kept trying to trigger his anger and cause him to embrace the Dark Side.

Luke resisted multiple times, but as his confidence cracked and his despair grew, Palpatine played on it, proudly proclaiming that his control over Luke was now just as formidable as the power he held over Darth Vader.

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1 "Power! Unlimited power!"

Near the end of the Clone Wars, things had become so chaotic that Chancellor Palpatine had managed to stay in office long past his term, and harness even more emergency powers. The combination allowed him to embed himself like a tick into the very fabric of the Republic Senate. Even his reveal to Anakin that he was the Sith Lord Darth Sidious wasn't enough to shake his confidence.

When Mace Windu, Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin and Kit Fisto arrived to arrest the Chancellor, he cut through the latter three with no difficulty before engaging his final opponent. Windu managed to gain the upper hand thanks to his lightsaber style Vaapad (which flirts with the dark side), before being stopped by Anakin. Realizing his pupil had finally been corrupted, he unleashed his rage into Windu whilst screaming this maniacal quote.

NEXT: Star Wars: 10 Quotes from the Saga That Hinted How it all Would End

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